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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
american immigration Essay -- essays research papers fc
     â€Å"Here isn't just a country, however an abounding country of nations†. These celebrated words, which were spoken, by the popular creator and writer Walt Whitman is an ideal method to depict our consistently changing blend society, which we call America. Migration has affected and changed our nation from various perspectives, a large number of which being financial reasons from 1820-1860. There have been numerous purposes behind individuals moving to America. Among the highest point of these reasons are those of Political Freedom, and Economic chances, which incorporate individuals needing more cash and better employments. A lot of foreigners from this timespan stopped by method of Slavery. From the 1820s until 1860 Immigration to America has influenced the national economy in numerous positive and negative manners.      Around 1830 in America there was a wealth of land at a modest cost, employments were found with little trouble in view of the diminished birth rate and high urbanization and industry that was incredibly expanding. The fascination that America had towards the Immigrants was essentially the a lot of land for ranches, which the individuals extraordinarily wanted. A large number of the unexpected appearances to America were followed with reports to the people’s country nations that the roads of America were â€Å"paved with gold†. This colloquialism was to allude to the success that the American economy had during the early19th century. Numerous nations outside of America during this time were in incredible despondency.      When there is no land left for cultivating of a yield, which is intensely depended on all through your nation, individuals will in general leave. One primary wellspring of movement to America was the Irish. During the mid 1800s Ireland’s populace developed quickly and a significant number of the individuals lived on little homesteads that delivered practically nothing, due to their neediness the individuals relied fundamentally upon the potato crop. Anyway around 1845 a plant ailment murdered most of the harvest. Around seventy five percent of a million people kicked the bucket and thousands all the more left the nation looking for a superior life. A large number of the exiled people to America from Irish were younger than thirty-five and men. Families sent their solid children to the New World so as to bring in cash to manage the cost of the excursion of the other relatives. Despite the fact that there was a low birth rate and abundant occupations in America a significant number of the Irish found that the quick dad... crop into texture that was sold and conveyed all through the world. The African-Americans were the most powerful worker gathering to come to America during this time. They were utilized as slave work primarily to reap the gigantic cotton crops in the south. This gathering despite the fact that were not permitted to partake in any type of government funded training did anyway reap numerous eminent authors, artists and legislators.      As appeared, the migration of changed ethnic gatherings extraordinarily ascribed to America's thriving economy. Without them this nation would have fallen and fell not long after it's creation. Book reference 1.     Http:// American Immigration. 2001 2.     The American Pageant. David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen, Thomas A. Bailey. Copyright 2002. Houghton Mifflin Company 3.     World Book Encyclopedia. Volumes A&I. William H. Nault, Frank D. Drake. Copyright 1989. World Book Inc. Chicago, Illinois. 4.     Immigration: Opposing Viewpoints. David L. Drinking spree, Bruno Leone. Copyright1992. Greenhaven Press, Inc., San Diego, California.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Jacket By Gary Soto Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Jacket By Gary Soto - Essay Example There were a few children who might call me names like nerd and ridicule my eyeglasses constantly. The spontaneous open consideration and different people’s conclusion had a noteworthy effect over the manner in which I felt about myself. There were times when I felt extremely irate for being not the same as other youngsters. Different occasions I felt sorry for myself for being kept separate from the group. All I at any point needed was to be acknowledged by others for who I am. In the wake of investing some energy thinking of purposes behind why others thought of me in an unexpected way, I understood that the focal points of my old pair of eyeglasses were considerably thicker than the glass of our aquarium at home. I chose to persuade my mom to get me another pair of eyeglasses made of more slender glass and dark hued outlines. While I was growing up, getting another pair of in vogue eyeglasses was consistently on my list of things to get. As my dad died while I was in primary school, our pay was not adequate to monetarily bolster the day by day needs of my relatives. Beside me being the oldest, I additionally had six different kin my mom was dealing with. On account of money related constraints, I had no other decision yet to comprehend my mother’s circumstance. For very nearly five years, I wore my old pair of eyeglasses wherever I went. Because of an absence of different alternatives, I needed to confront the embarrassment of wearing my old pair of eyeglasses to class. During the five years I constrained myself to wear my old pair of eyeglasses, I figured out how to acknowledge the way that I expected to feel great in them despite the fact that they had made me look down on myself for quite a while. As a result of my craving for acknowledgment, I imagined as though nothing truly annoyed me. By cleaning my old pair of eyeglasses without glancing through the focal points, I went about as though I was wearing cool and extraordinary eyeglasses. At the point when I arrived at the eighth grade, my huge blue adjusted eyeglasses began to obscure
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Bye Bye Weekends, See You In April
Bye Bye Weekends, See You In April Its that time of year again. I have a love-hate relationship with reading season. The love part is that I love reading apps. I love reading your stories (because they are all so different and awesome). I love seeing the choices people make, the ways in which people grow, the ways in which context affects everything. I love imagining all of you at MIT what youll get involved with, how youll contribute to our culture and community. (This last one is a bad idea with such a low admit rate, it always leads to me being heartbroken in March, but nonetheless I cant help myself.) The hate part is simply that there arent enough hours in the day. So when Im reading, Im feeling guilty about the other parts of my job that are getting placed on the back burner (were simultaneously rewriting and redesigning the viewbook, the financial aid piece, the minority student brochure, and the admit pack all due by years end). And when Im giving attention to those things, Im constantly worried about my read rate. Its a vicious cycle. Even when Im hanging out with my kids, Im thinking of all the work I should be doing instead (which is something I simply need to get over). Once the EA apps are in, the questions and anxiety seem to really heat up in the applicant pool. So I also try to prioritize some time each day to put the counselor in admissions counselor answer email, be attentive to the MIT forum on CC, etc. To me, this is probably the most important part of my job during this time. Hey, perhaps next year the applicants could try to get all stressed out a few months early, to better fit into our reading and selection schedule. :-) (Kidding, of course.) Its a balancing act, certainly. But I do feel prepared even moreso now that Ive been through a complete cycle at MIT. I was cocky this year, thinking that my read rate was going to go way up immediately. I was wrong (although I am better than last year, for sure). Ill get there. In the meantime, Im determined not to feel guilty if I need to spend an hour on a single app. Sometimes thats just what it takes. Anyway, you guys hang in there and try not to worry too much. For those of you who have applied EA, theres pretty much nothing for you to do but wait it out. And while you wait, have fun! :-) Answers to the latest round of questions coming later this week.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The New World Movie Review Essay - 2154 Words
The New World Daniel Patrick 7/29/13 HIST151E31 The New World is a 2006 historical drama set in the early 1600’s, as settlers come from Britain to begin exploring and colonizing the American continents. Written and directed by American director and writer, Terrence Malick, The New World depicts the foundation of Jamestown, the story of John Smith, and their relationships with Pocahontas. The film stars Collin Farrell as John Smith, Qorianka Kilcher as Pocahontas, Christopher Plummer as Captain Newport, and Christian Bale as John Rolfe. Produced by Sarah Green, the film received strong positive reviews for its cinematography, score, and young 15 year old Qorianka Kilcher’s performance as Pocahontas. (Boehm 1-5) The movie opens up to†¦show more content†¦This all happens in the movie, the time lapse is different though. In the movie, Smith is held hostage for his first summer and fall in America. Throughout the warmer climate, Smith and Pocahontas spend many days swimming, running about in fields, and doing ma ny outdoors activities while they fall into a deep love. In reality, it was December when Smith was seized by the Natives. Thus, about an hour of love affairs is flawed in The New World because it would have been too cold to spend so much time falling for each other in a scenic summer. In the movie, Pocahontas and her tribe are shown helping the settlers survive there first winter by bringing them food and supplies while Smith is already established as the leader. Her tribe then proceeds to ambush the settlers through a harsh battle the following spring for not leaving the land and Pocahontas is banned for supporting the settlers. It is an epic scene of action and dramatic fighting that seems to last for days. The battle most likely never happened though, because not one historian accounts for it. In fact in Alan Brinkley’s text, An Unfinished Nation, it is explained that for two years the settlers led â€Å"unrelenting assaults against the Powhatan Indians†and in the process captured Pocahontas to hold for ransom (Brinkly 32). John Smith is said to be called back to Europe to establish his own fleet and voyage and he leaves aShow MoreRelatedPleasantville1586 Words  | 7 PagesUtopia/Dystopia Dr. Viau Pleasantville Pleasantville is a great movie with many hidden messages. The not so obvious but informative messages are one of best aspects of this nineties flick. The special effects are impressive considering this movie is indeed from the nineties. Pleasantville touches base on many actual conflicts in America and throughout history in the most subtle but blunt way. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Technology And Technology Essay - 978 Words
Technology is changing the world of education. Students today have adapted to having their cell phones, smartphones, tablets, etc. on them at all times, and they use them for everything. Technology is used for â€Å"calling friends, messaging, listening to music, watching videos, and especially for using social networking sites†(Gok, 2016, p.89). It has become part of an everyday routine. Many studies have been conducted on whether or not technology has a beneficial impact on students when incorporating it within classrooms. Teaching to the 21st-century student can be challenging and technology is a tool proven to have positive outcomes. Recent studies have found that technology in the classroom benefits students to become more motivated, to†¦show more content†¦208). Many researchers have agreed that we use technology in our day to day lives and students are accustomed to using it outside of school so why would educators not utilize it in their classrooms? Technolog y in classrooms has been shown to have a significant effect on high school students’ achievement. In 2015, a study done by Li, Snow, and White concluded that â€Å"...after one year, students using laptops showed significantly higher achievement on nearly all measures than their peers with comparable starting achievement levels who did not use laptops†(p. 7). Educators can incorporate laptop usage with students and build their achievement level by: facilitating and developing a community through online activities, visualizing for difficult concepts, scaffolding learning, and helping students document and present their learning (Thamarasseri, 2014, p.13). There are numerous other ways that educators can use laptops or devices in their classrooms. Another study on the effect of laptop integration and student achievement was conducted through international data. Its purpose was to investigate if there is an impact on achievement through technology devices. The researche r found that â€Å"technology immersion had a positive effect on students’ technology proficiency†and teacher’s â€Å"attitudes have a direct impact onShow MoreRelatedTechnology And Technology Essay918 Words  | 4 PagesTechnology is being rapidly integrated into society. Despite this being the obvious route in our evolution, there are lots of people who are against the ‘commensalism’, of sorts. The thing is, though, I don’t think they realize just how important technology is, and in how many different areas of your life it is so. There are three main categories in which most people benefit. These three are: science medical, which is relating to the human body and discoveries in many different scientific fields;Read MoreTechnology And Technology Essay728 Words  | 3 PagesIn current times technology has allowed almost anyone to connect such as, texting, calling, email, and other forms of chat. However, with all this technology how is it affecting our interpersonal relationships? Technology is ripping the human connection apart due to, people being dependent on their devices, we text more than we talk, and children being exposed to technology sooner. Technology is causing people to be dependent on their devices for communication. Larry D. Rosen is a psychology professorRead MoreTechnology And Technology Essay1026 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology has been a major topic in today’s century and has brought many questions into mind. This generation is based on the latest gadgets that everyone is eager to buy each year, either for themselves or their children. But is all this technology benefiting or damaging families is the real question that this essay will discuss. Technology has been a part of the lives of families in the past century or so. New technology has been created for the entertainment or the usefulness in peoples livesRead MoreTechnology And Technology Essay1762 Words  | 8 Pageshumanity technology is an ever-growing resource allowing people to become whatever, choose whenever, and go wherever they want to be. In the world today, there has been debates concerning technology and whether or not it hinders peopl e’s individualism or expresses it even more. Of course, most people would say that they are unique and that their own sense of self is a personality that only they themselves created and use. But, there are also others who would argue that because of technology peopleRead MoreTechnology And Technology Essay1145 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology has rapidly advanced around the world year by year, and it ultimately is taking an impact on our brains. Whether we like it or not, we can all agree that there are bad impacts that it has on us, but there are also so many good things that we can take from it. Knowledge and technology are linked because without digital technology we wouldn’t have advanced knowledge and vice versa. Knowledge is in every part of our brain but technology affects how we use it in our daily lives. Digital technologyRead MoreTechnology And Technology Essay1736 Words  | 7 PagesIn our world today, technology skyrockets while humanity takes a nose drive. Over the years technology advanced, from a big, bulky computer to a five inch phone within our pockets. Over billions of men, women, and children are sucked into their phones because of how effortless it is to utilize technology. Especially in our society today, technology has become too relied upon on multiple occasions. The usage of technology has made many men, women, and childrens lives more trouble-free. However, becauseRead MoreEssay On Technology And Technology1085 Words  | 5 Pages The world is filled with technology, but is that a good thing? Technology is used for everything one can possibly need. Cell phones are becoming life support to both teenagers and adults. Although technology has many benefits, it can be harmful to an individuals mental health. Technology can create stress, anxiety, and a lack of sleep . If people started putting technology down, they could improve their mental health by turning their attention towards something other than a bright blue screen inRead MoreTechnology And Technology Essay1540 Words  | 7 Pagesare on their phones checking their social media accounts or playing a game because they have been unable to be on their phones during the class period. Technology has overtaken most of the lives of teenagers. Also, some adults use their phones as much as teenagers. Technology is being used for the good of the people and to tear people down. Technology can make people more alone due to the overtaking of some people’s lives, people spend more time on their phones than being productive, the source of cyberRead MoreEssay On Technology And Technology1163 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology and Society A common scene in high school hallways is seeing teens looking like zombies all staring down at their glaring screens. Well that’s how it is nowadays, many argue that the use of technology has affected teenagers social life because they don’t interact with the â€Å"real world†as much. However, others argue that technology has helped many with their social skills because now they are able to interact with people all over the world. Whether it’s a positive or negative thing, thisRead MoreTechnology And Technology Essay722 Words  | 3 Pagesentertained, but these days entertainment comes from using social media. As you can see, society has become overly dependant on using technology in their daily lives for three reasons, because it negatively affects children, people are obsessed with buying and using advanced technology, and social media can lead to dangerous for the user. First of all, the use of technology by children is detrimental when it is overused. Granted, I see many young children want their parents phones or they start crying
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evil in Sula, Yellow Wallpaper, and Love Medicine Free Essays
No Rest for the Wicked â€Å"l started out thinking that one can never really define good and evil. Sometimes good looks like evil; sometimes evil looks like good,†this quote by T. Morrison highlights the fact that evil is relative. We will write a custom essay sample on Evil in Sula, Yellow Wallpaper, and Love Medicine or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although evil can be, in many ways, self-defined, many characters in novels can be perceived as one thing while they are another. Written works such as, Sulk, Love Medicine, and The Yellow Wallpaper contain several examples of good vs. evil that take a closer look to deceiver. First, in the novel Sulk, there are several characters that prove that looks can be achieving. For example, the character Sulk is perceived as a terrible person in the book. The people of the Bottom hate her for everything that she is, despite the fact that she followed the example of her mother. The story states, â€Å"The death of Sulk Peace was the best news fossils up in the Bottom had had since the promise of work at the tunnel†(150). They accuse her of things that, in their society, were deemed horrible and not moral. When Sulk attempts to help a child she is only further accused of wicked ways. Sulk only does what she knows, and only hurts Nell because f her blindness to what their relationship has become. As well, Newel’s mother is seen as a good person in society. Helene attends church as does what is proper. The story states, â€Å"Helene Wright was an impressive woman, at least in Medallion she was†(18). However, in an attempt to be a good mother Helene pushes her opinions down Newel’s throat, leaving imagination away and replacing it with a sense of alienation. Helene wants people to see her as a wonderful woman, but her actions and motives seem only to follow selfishness and a need for importance. Moreover, Jude does what is right by society. Jude attempts to work, he takes care of his family, he does everything he was meant to do. The story states, â€Å"Along with a few other young black men, Jude had gone down to the shack where they were hiring†(81). But Jude only married because he was settling, and when Sulk came around he didn’t have a quarrel with cheating on his wife with her best friend. He then leaves him family behind, leaving Nell to take care of the children. And, Eva is a character that can be interoperable as evil, but she only does what she does because she loves her children. Eva kills her own son by lighting him on fire. The story states, â€Å"†¦ Threw it onto the bed where the kerosene-soaked Plum lay in snug delight†(47). Even her daughter does not understand why Eva would do such a thing. But the truth of the matter is that Plum was slowly wasting away, Just the shell of the person he once was. His unhealthy habits and his inability to take care of himself after he was traumatized by the war brings Eva to the decision to end his suffering then and there. Secondly, in the novel Love Medicine there are several examples of evil and good reflections. For instance, the character Marie goes to the convent. Though this can be seen only as a good and pure thing, it is revealed to the readers that Marie wants only the praise and glory she would find there. The story states, â€Å"And they never thought they have a girl from this reservation as a saint they have to kneel to (43). Maria’s reasons are not good, but rather they are wicked reasons that are identified as sins. Moreover, once Marie is within the convent it is revealed that she is not the only wolf in sheep’s clothing. The nun, Leopold sees the devil inside Marie. In an attempt to banish the devil from Marie, she physically harms the young girl. The two both speak of love and both seem to have some degree of hate for the other. The story states, â€Å"She always did things this way, to teach you lessons†(51). Leopold then lies about Maria’s injuries to the other nuns to save herself. As well, Nectar is perceived as a strong individual by the community. Although Nectar keeps a high position in his community and is seen both as handsome and good, he only has such a great position because Marie made him. It was Maria’s work that made Nectar what he was. Even though he owes her a great deal he still cheats on her. He turns away re love in favor of Lulu, committing adultery. He cares for Marie and understands he has obligations to her, but he loves Lulu. He states, â€Å"l do not compare her with Marie. I would not do that. But the way I ache for Lulu, suddenly, is terrible and sad,†(127). He puts his love first in several situations such as, when he planned to leave Marie. Lulu is also a seemingly wrongly accused character. Lulu has got a serious reputation as being a loose woman in the community. She even sleeps with married men because she does not seem to respect the value of marital ties. However, Lulu is a errors of passion and love. The story states, â€Å"And so when they tell you that I was heartless, a shameless man-chaser, don’t forget this: I loved what I saw’ (228). Lulu’s true nature is not that of evil, it is that of love. Although some can argue that her actions were questionable, it is within her intentions that the truth is found. Lastly, in the short story The Yellow Wallpaper, evil and good is a battle that continues through the story. For example, John attempts to take care of Jane by forcing her to bed rest and limiting her activity. Although he is a high standing doctor ND her husband it is with Cane’s point of view that the reader discovers that the bed rest could be doing more harm than good. The bed rest does not allow Jane to function as a normal human being. The story states,†Personally, I disagree with their ideas. Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change, would do me good†(1). It seems that, because John is a doctor, he must know what is best for Jane and that the treatment must be good. Perhaps John himself is not evil, but the result of his actions leave Jane in a state of no return. If evil is defined by the opposite of good then his actions have evil results. As well, John takes away Cane’s ability to write. Cane’s loss of a creative outlet is something that she finds could be making things worse. The story states, â€Å"l think sometimes that if I were only well enough to write a little it would relieve the press of ideas and rest me†(4). Cane’s mental state wavers as the story continues. Her own free will is practically ripped from her, and her writing is left to be done in secret. And, John once again creates â€Å"evil†results as he keeps Jane away from other people. The story states, â€Å"It is so scrounging not to have any advice and companionship about my work†(4). Despite her plea to be around others, John does not trust it. His actions lead Jane farther down her road to insanity and leave her with only her own thoughts of the wallpaper through the day. Moreover, the woman in the wallpaper can be completely perceived as evil at first glance. If the woman in the wallpaper, or the center of Cane’s insanity, takes away Cane’s ability to be a person, than she must be evil. Yet, it is only when Jane reaches the point of full insanity that Jane finds herself free. Able to do what she wants, albeit a bit strange, Jane finds freedom completely. As the story states, â€Å"Vive got out at least,’ said l, ‘in spite of you and Jane. And Vive pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back†(14)! As a symbol of woman’s suffrage, the lady in the wallpaper shows the reader how women, forced into the restraints society has put on them, must choose between insanity, and slavery. It is hard to pinpoint evil or give it a certain definition. Where are the lines drawn? Who determines what is right, necessary, and bad? The ever pondered question that enders if people can be labeled good or evil, or if no one is strictly either, pounds through the mind of those that read. Written works such as, Sulk, Love Medicine, and The Yellow Wallpaper allow readers to see beyond what society may see in a person and look deeper into their actions and motives. Taking a step back from one’s own opinions, the reader can see the many point of views that leave certain actions, characters, and situations more clear on the moral side. If, like beauty, evil is in the eye of the beholder, there can never be a definite definition of the word. How to cite Evil in Sula, Yellow Wallpaper, and Love Medicine, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Mechanisms Impact and Management
Question: Discuss about the Mechanisms Impact and Management. Answer: Introduction: In the following assignment discussions will be carried out with respect to the case scenario relevant to Mrs. Barbara Green who has recently been sent to the local community health centre following the referral from her GP for the sake of assessment and review of her present condition. Discussions will be made from the perspective of the Registered Nurse (RN) working at the local community health centre who has been assigned for taking care and looking after Mrs. Green. The clinical reasoning cycle framework will be utilized for identifying and prioritizing the nursing care needs in the context of the given circumstances. The pertinent skills and expertise that a nurse must possess in order harbor optimum outcomes for the patient forms the central theme of the clinical reasoning cycle (Levett-Jones, 2013). The preparations of the nursing care plan will essentially follow the vital steps of the clinical reasoning cycle including the collection of cues, processing of information, iden tification of problems, and establishment of goals. Subsequent measures of taking actions, evaluating outcomes and reflecting on process of new learning will be adopted to complete the process of clinical reasoning. Thus a succinct overview on the overall topic will be presented here. Identifying nursing care priorities Mr. Barbara Green is an 89 year old lady who lives alone in her one storey house. She lost her husband two years ago and since then her health has been deteriorating. She used to be a primary school teacher and retired from her job 24 years ago. Barbara along with her husband, were active members and volunteers at the local church as well the local shop. She has a German lineage as she migrated from Germany and settled in Australia 40 years ago and maintained deeper contact with the German Association. A son and daughter from her previous marriage and her husbands previous marriage constitute the immediate family for her. She shares good relationship with both of them although both stay far away from her home. Barbara has been recently referred to the local community health centre by her GP to undergo health assessment and review. She has the medical history of having macular degeneration, hypothyroidism, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and is under daily prescribed medications. Currently she has given up driving on being diagnosed with macular degeneration, limited her level of activities and rarely gets out of home and consecutively shunned her physical association with friends and members at the German Association. Her house is strangely disheveled with the cupboards storing minimal quantity of food storage with some tins of soup and baked beans. Although Barbara feels oneness with her community, yet she prefers to stay alone at home on realizing that in order to have her wish fulfilled she might require assistance. Presently Barbara has been observed to be suffering from symptoms encompassing joint stiffness, swollen feet and enlarged joints, pain in the knee, hip, back and finger joints coupled with limited joint movement. Constipation, vision deficit, occasional dizziness and non-significant recent weight loss has also been reported for Barbara. The restricted movement and joint pain related symptoms may be well corroborated with the prevalence of osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis (Kurt et al., 2016). Osteoarthritis is likely to have affected her major body parts that have resulted in the pain generation. The joints are particularly affected due to chronic inflammation because of rheumatoid arthritis that in turn has limited her mobility (Messier et al., 2013). Symptoms of dizziness might have ensued from her prevalent condition of hypothyroidism due to underactive thyroid hormones (Cappola, 2016). The underlying cause for vision deficit is likely to be embedded in the age related progressive thinning and degeneration of the macula that lead to blurred or diminished central vision (Christen et al., 2014). Moreover the sudden loss in weight may be speculated to have occurred because of under-eating. Reviewing the information obtained from referral letter from Barbaras GP it is evident that she has certain issues that calls for immediate attention and subsequent interventions. The problems that have been recognized in this case include: Loss of body weight Reduction in consumption of food Tendency of isolation Selection of top priority of care Analyzing the condition specific to Barbara, the issue pertinent to the sudden reduction in body weight has been identified as the top priority care that deserves prompt intervention. The potential goals for managing the loss of body weight could be: Barbara will show improvements in her appetite and engage in proper dietary habits with adequate proportion of meals within one week. She will gain weight in a month. She will express her keenness towards going out of home and socializing with her friends and members at the German Association. Her quality of living will improve through better participation at social events through proper assistance. Barbara will be having increased compliance to medications and express better feeling towards general living. On matter related to healthy weight gain in the patient, nutritional supplements along with the normal diet may be applied following recommendation and suitable advice from the attending physicians (Parsons et al., 2017). Pain management for the prevalent arthritis condition may also be promoted through physical therapy that in turn will lead to amelioration of pain in the patient thereby leading to improved quality of living (Katz et al., 2013). Comfort in the form of pain management is likely to improve the dietary habits in the person (Walsh McWilliams, 2014). Social communication will also be enhanced as a result of improved mobility due to intervention for arthritis (Benka et al., 2016). The weight loss issue thus may be regulated through making arrangements for managing and treating the pain due to arthritis that had limited her movement and subsequently social participation. The course of actions taken in relation to the prevalent condition for Barbara will be evaluated for their effectiveness. Determination of the weight for Barbara shows that she has put on weight and has improved appetite as well. Barbara has improved pain score depicted in Pain Assessment Scale and show improvement in motion. Increased participation in the German Association is noted in case of Barbara. Barbara is diligently following the prescribed medication without skipping or forgetting them and mentions about her wellbeing after taking the drugs and eating healthy. The quality of living has visibly improved for Barbara. The opportunity to serve Barbara has left me with vital information regarding certain issues at old age. I now understand the impacts of arthritis both of rheumatoid type and osteoarthritis upon the activities of daily living in case of aged persons. I further came to know about the psychological effects of pathological conditions due to arthritis, hypothyroidism and visual deficit that often prompt them to be isolated. I wish I had more knowledge specific to these conditions to better treat Barbara and improve her overall healthy by means of accounting for increasing the dietary intake. I now understand the underlying effects of chronic ailments like arthritis and hypothyroidism that exerts their definite impacts upon the physical as well as mental health of the affected individual. The case study of Mrs. Barbara offered an insight into the multifaceted impacts of conditions relevant to arthritis and hypothyroidism in case of older adults especially among the females. The efficacy of the available treatment modalities other than medications in case of the victims other than medications is also known. The feasibility of applying physical therapy techniques along with appropriate nutritional supplements in case of arthritis affected person has also been a remarkable observation. Apart from these the importance of healthy eating and weight gain for sustaining and maintaining quality of life is further revealed. Thus in fine it may be said that management of old age related issues must be done in a collaborative manner with engagements from professionals from diverse fields and backgrounds, nursing being one of the vital vocations in this regard (Bramble, 2017). References Benka, J., Nagyova, I., Rosenberger, J., Macejova, Z., Lazurova, I., van der Klink, J. L., van Dijk, J. P. (2016). Social participation in early and established rheumatoid arthritis patients. Disability and rehabilitation, 38(12), 1172-1179. Bramble, M. (2017). Nursing for wellness in older adults S. Hunter and C. Miller. Wolters Kluwer, Philadelphia, 2016. ISBN 9781922228758 (paperback). 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