Saturday, August 31, 2019

Library management system Essay

1. 1 Background of the study With diminishing finances, it is rarely possible for a library or information center to have enough resources to fulfill the needs of its clients. What is being delivered is only a portion of what their clients actually need (Ramos & Mohd Ali, 2005). Collaboration is widely recognized as the best way for libraries to cope with the ever increasing challenges: volume of information resources; nature and quality of information; user needs and expectations; information and communication technology competencies and infrastructure; inflated cost of information resources; and staffing needs. However, although these challenges have continued to prevail, libraries working under collaborative initiatives like the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) have registered tremendous success. This thesis reports the findings of a thorough study to establish the factors that have led to the success of CARLI and how such success factors can be applied in libraries of developing countries like Uganda. Emphasis is placed on the establishment of CARLI leadership, the sharing of responsibility and decision making processes as well as sources of funding for the consortium. Also central to the research study is exploration of the role and responsibility of participating member libraries and their contributions to and expectations from the consortium. I contend that lack of funding to facilitate consortium activitiesis not the central factor in the failed progress of the planned consortium activities in Uganda, rather it is the lack of committed leadership and cooperation among participating libraries that is responsible for the lack of progress. In any kind of organization or cooperation like a library consortium, funding has never been enough due to ever changing technologies and continuous demands from library patrons. However, good leadership and cooperation among membership plays a bigger role in achieving a common goal. Having and working towards a common goal, under dedicated, dynamic and faithful leadership with an active and energetic membership plays a great role in the success of a consortium. 2 To assist in the possible improvement of consortium operations in Uganda, I need to understand the leadership, responsibility, staffing, collection, policies and procedures, funding and structure of academic libraries in the participating membership of CARLI in comparison with those of Uganda. My research has incorporated interviews with CARLI staff and a questionnaire survey to all the participating CARLI membership. 1. 2 Problem statement. There is now ample research on the benefits of library collaboration mainly in developed countries (Kaul 2001, Riley 2006, Wright 2006, Bennett 2007, Foulonneau et al. 2007, Williams 2008, Feather, Bracken & Diaz 2008, Butler 1998, Domatob, 1998). In Africa, a lot of research has been devoted toward the need for collaboration (Musoke 2008, Paulos 2008, Kinengyere 2007, Ibeun & Obasuyi 2007,Amaeshi (Ed. ) 2003, Kaul 2001, Rosenberg 2001, Ade Ajayi, Goma & Johnson 1996) and a few registered successes (Musoke 2008, Paulos 2008, Rosenberg 2001, Kinengyere 2007, Ibeun & Obasuyi 2007, Amaeshi (Ed.) 2003, Kaul 2001). However, no research has been reported on how to apply identified success factorsfrom developed countries in order to bring a change in developing countries. Developed countries have registered tremendous success stories compared to less developed countries; failure in developing countries has been attributed to poor funding without looking at other factors like committed leadership and cooperative membership. The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) (2007) indicates that there are six public and twenty-four private universities giving a total of thirty registered universities in Uganda. Of these, only twenty-one universities and two research institutions are actively and currently participating in the Consortium of Uganda University Libraries, (CUUL) (2008). It is clear, however, that most of these universities do not have adequate resources to support certain, if not all, areas of their academic and research programmes. Since 2005, access to computer facilities, books and other learning materials has improved; still many are farfrom reaching ratios comparable to world standards; and, unfortunately, the student tobook ratio dropped from twenty-three books per student to nineteen in 2006 (NCHE, 2007). The NCHE 2006 (2007) study further shows that there has been a 9. 4% increase in the total number of students that enroll in the universities from 124,313 in 2005 to 137,190 in 2006 without an increase in 3  the number of information materials in most of these universities. Although there is evidence of no increase in the number of information resources to be used by students in these universities, NCHE instead attributes the low level of research across the higher education spectrum to inadequate funding; more so, the student to book ratio stated above is far below the set standards and NCHE does not suggest for these universities to participate in resource sharing as a way of bridging the student to book ratio. The NCHE (2007) acknowledges the usefulness of the library, stating that â€Å"the library†¦ is the heartbeat of an academic institution†. However, its 2006 study indicates that universities have continued to reduce the amount of money spent on books (0. 1% in private and in 2. 5% in public universities) and that library space is being converted to student instruction classrooms. This is an indication of low spending on library books; much as these universities are still working harder to acquire information materials, space to store them is also becoming another challenge. One of the important things I have learned all through the time I have worked at Makerere University Library’s outreach programme inpartnership with CUUL as Deputy Country Coordinator for E-resources, on top of other significant institutional challenges among African universities, a committed leadership and membership was noticed as still lacking among CUUL membership. While there are already tangible successes registered by CUUL, still much has not been achieved, like spearheading resource sharing as one of its objectives since inception. This study begins to address issues that are surrounding the inefficiency involved in partnership, networking and collaboration among university libraries in Uganda. This includes how universities with far better information resources like Makerere University can share with newly established universities lacking sufficient library resources. More particularly, the study directly addresses consortium issues like leadership, communication and membership contribution as key factors in this kind of collaboration. 1. 3 Objectives of the study. †¢ Study the consortium history among academic and research libraries in the state of Illinois 4 †¢ Identify the factors that influence libraries to join and continue to participate in a consortium †¢ Determine how consortium values affect participating libraries †¢ Determine the effectiveness and extent of resource sharing among CARLI member libraries †¢ Identify factors that lead to the success of a consortium other than money †¢ Suggest practical ways for resource sharing in developing countries like Uganda 1. 4 Limitations of the study. Any comparison of differing societies, or search for causal relationships must be conducted within dimensional identities (Amaeshi (Ed), 2003); meaning, a perceived need to understand the economic, political, educational and sociological factors that affect information sharing among universities in both developed and developing countries. While the majority of the developments are standard practice in academic libraries in the developed world, many of these issues are relatively new to us in developing countries, and we have had to contextualize them by finding practical but local ways of addressing some of them (Musoke, 2008). In this study therefore, I do fully understand the dimensional identities that exist among CARLI and CUUL; I try to contextualize identified success factors by finding practical but local ways of applying these factors that have led to CARLI advancement putting into context the economic, political, educational and sociological environments of operation between the two consortia. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW. 2. 1 Introduction In my literature review, I have found a good representative literature discussing the need for collaboration among Uganda’s universities and research institutions and a few outlines of the benefits so far registered in these universities. However, little is written in detail about resource sharing as a way to bridge the shortage of information resources among these universities. I am grateful to some authors (Musoke 2008, Paulos 2008, NCHE 2007, Rosenberg 2001, Kaul 2001) who identified some of the factors that have hindered collaboration in Africa, although their discussions outline funding as a major factor in this progress as opposed to good leadership, effective communication and responsive membership. By studying the relevant literature, it will help me understand more fully how other factors play a big role in the development of consortium in developing countries. 2. 1. 1 State of higher education in Uganda. To date, the existing physical resources of higher education institutions are quite inadequate. Past political instability, lack of financial resources and the general lack of a culture that values maintenance have combined to cause gross negligence in the maintenance of physical infrastructure including laboratories, seminar rooms, libraries, research facilities and staff offices (Musisi, 2003). Higher education received about 10 percent of a total Ministry budget of UGX 619. 93 billion in the 2004/05 budget year (Ministry of Education and Sports,  2005), a rate that has remained more or less constant since the mid 1990s. The implementation of cost sharing in institutions of higher learning has increased revenue generation to supplement transfers from the government. In addition to cost sharing, funds are generated internally through private sponsorship of students, consultancies, sales of services and contributions from donors, (Musisi, 2003). However these sources have not beenable to accommodate the ever increasing budget needs. Due to such poor funding, much has been left undone. 2. 1. 2 Structure of academic libraries in Uganda According to the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act of 2001, with reference to Makerere University library structure (Makerere University Library, 2007), 6 the overall administration of libraries is vested in the office of the University Librarian who reports to the Vice-Chancellor through the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in Charge of Academic Affairs (DVC-AA). The University Librarian is a member of Makerere University Top Management and Senate. Within the library, the University Librarian and deputies form the Library’s Management team, which works with heads of sections and branch libraries to implement University Library policies and programmes, and enforce library rules and regulations. The policy making body of the University Library is the Academic Programmes and Library Committee, which is a senate committee chaired by the DVC-AA. It is composed of members of Senate representing the sciences, arts and humanities, library, students and other relevant stakeholders. 2. 1. 3 History of consortium in Uganda To strengthen the network of librarians, researchers and academics in developing countries and Uganda in particular, the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) encouraged librarians to form national consortia. During a workshop on the topic of library cooperation for effective provision of information in Uganda and beyond, CUUL was established in 2001. Areas of cooperation include resource mobilization and sharing, and training and marketing of member libraries (Kinengyere, 2007). One of the challenges being addressed by CUUL is the sustainability of e-journal subscriptions atthe end of donor funding. In November 2005, CUUL decided on the mechanism of cost-sharing the e-resources, starting in 2006. Out of the 43 registered Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information institutions-(PERI)-Uganda, only 11 (25%) responded to the e-resources sustainability initiative in time for the 2007 subscriptions and this trend has not changed to date (Kinengyere, 2007). The networking and collaboration of CUUL has not yielded good results as outlined in its objectives and thishas been blamed on the lack of funds without looking at other factors like the commitment of its membership, and trust from its leadership. Both CUUL and CARLI which began in July 1, 2005, do have a lot in common in their formation. Like UIUC for CARLI, Makerere University Library is the coordinating institution for CUUL under the PERI programme. The current establishment of CUUL as per its constitution (2001) is composed of a five member elected executive committee (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, 7 Publicity) who conduct CUUL activities in addition to their institutional responsibilities; and a committee of representatives from actively participating institutions called ‘Functional committees’ who help to coordinate CUUL activities in their respective institutions. It is interesting to note that the ‘Functional committees’ referred to by CUUL are never as active as they should be. 2. 1. 4 The need for collaboration A perceived need for collaboration among the African university libraries was stated as early as 1990 (Ifidon, 1990); and was outlined in the Carnegie meeting of 2004, which identified the ability to participate in a global economy that is increasingly centered on access to knowledge as a critical key in solving the problems of the African nations. One of the goals of the conference was to develop partnerships between libraries and donors, and establish a platform on which future consortia and agendas could be built. During the meeting, many problems faced by African university libraries were discussed, such as poor networks, little cooperation between institutions that create their own databases of local materials, and very few digitization programs to increase African content on the Web and respond to the thousands of different cultures and languages across the continent. The benefits of collaboration, consortia, networks and peer support have been emphasized in information science literature for a long time. Most of the success stories reported by African University Librarians revolve around collaboration and networking within institutions to lobby policy makers, within the country to form consortia and share the subscription of e-resources, build capacity andget professional support. The actual and potential of networking, cooperation and digitization is to modify the functions of acquiring, storing and disseminating information and knowledge, hence the need to be supported (Musoke, 2008). Because of limited resources there is, therefore, need to build on the achievements, share experiences and best practices through collaboration and networks. 2. 1. 5 Resource sharing The concept of resource sharing has been used in the developed countries as a means to alleviate the resource inadequacies of individual libraries. In Africa, it has been seized upon as a way of sustaining informationservices. Rosenberg (2001, p. 14- 8. 15) in her paper â€Å"The sustainability of libraries and resource centers in Africa† quoted a Kenyan librarian who concluded that â€Å"there is no doubt that resource sharing programmes have a significant role to play in developing countries, given the problem of scarce resources† and â€Å"if libraries are to continueto meet the demands of other users, increased cooperation and resource sharing are vital†. Rosenberg (1993) continues to note that on the ground there is little in the way of resource sharing. In some ways the situation has deteriorated, as systems that used towork (like the East African Literature Service) have collapsed. The survey (Rosenberg, 2001) of University libraries in Africa found that interlibrary lending (the main, if not the only, form of resource sharing practiced), was minimal, especially in-country and within Africa. Such evidence suggests that there is a lot that needs to be done in order to bring a change about the idea of resource sharing among universities and research institutions. Even though these universities have little to share, even a little sharing may help future sharing of acquisitions in the most demanding subject areas. 2. 1. 6 Research and research paradigms In her paper â€Å"Strategies for addressing the university library users’ changing needs and practices in Sub-Saharan Africa†, Musoke (2008) states that there is drastic change in the methods of conducting research and research paradigms. For example, the demand for a multidisciplinary approach to research has meant that a research project in the Medical School, which would ordinarily require medical literature now also requires some social science and ICT components. Such approaches put further demands on the already meager information resourcesin our libraries, hence the need for sharing. The diversity of research methods is an indicator of the complexity of research and the challenges of meeting the information needs of human beings conducting research. Such challenges call for immediate revival of resource sharing among these universities in order to meet the changing needs. The presence and advancements in information technology can also help in this process. 2. 1. 7 Policy formation and leadership The Association of African Universities (AAU) emphasizes that the way ahead for the development of research and postgraduate capacity in African universities is through selective concentration of resources within the university system, and the 9  achievement of collaborative links among African universities, and between African universities and research institutions (AAU, 2009). In order to achieve that goal, AAU suggested that providing effective leadership to facilitate meaningful regional interuniversity cooperation among African universities may help to ease the resource constraints and to build a viable educational enterprise in Africa capable of meeting the challenges ahead (Ade Ajayi, Goma & Johnson, 1996) 2. 1. 8 Consortium membership. Among the most serious problems of Uganda’s libraries is the low level of and response rate towards collaboration and consortium in a number of library and information science activities. According to Paulos(2008), the most successful libraries in southern Africa, like in Botswana and South Africa, have been able to form strong alliances. Developing complex and strong links and partnerships facilitates the utilization of information resources. An example of a successful regional network is the Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA). In addition to its international connections, AHILA has two internal concerns—sharing scarce resources through interlibrary cooperation and developing systems for improved bibliographic control of the health literature produced in Africa (Kinegyere, 2008). Such strategies if applied at the national level will not only strengthen regional networks, but also work as satellite communication networks for international organizations to overcome the problems of lack of physical infrastructure and as a basis for enhancing access to information among university libraries with fewer resources. 2. 1. 9 Library funding The importance of government support towards consortia is elucidated in the plan of the United Nations (UN) World Summit on theInformation Society. This body acknowledges the significance of addressing fundamental issues of development in universal access, infrastructure, information and communication technologies, literacy, skills and training, E-learning, and E-Agriculture (Ibeun & Obasuyi, 2007). If Uganda is a signatory, it should join other countries in the attempt to support libraries and archives. Lack of funding has been a bigger issue among university libraries and has been attributed to lack of understanding of the role of libraries in an institution of higher 10 learning by university and political leaders as it emerged from the Carnegie conference (2004) and mentioned by many other writers (Musoke 2008, Ade Ajayi, Goma & Johnson 1996, Paulos 2008, Rosenberg 2001). However, not all African countries are dependent on external funding. Libraries in Botswana and South Africa are examples where funding is internally generated and the quality of library resources is very high, (Paulos, 2008). As a source of funding for libraries in Africa, including Uganda, Paulos (2008) in his paper â€Å"Library resources, knowledge production, and Africa in the 21 st century† suggested the need for funding from African governments; the importance of proactive approaches on the part of academic librarians in Africa – including the importance of identifying unique materials in the collections and seeking collaboration to digitize them; and the importance of outreach, in particular, seeking the support of Africans in the diaspora. 2. 1. 10 Increasing number of library users The growing number of university students, the increase in study programmes coupled with paradigm shifts in curriculum and research, the increase in research and the rapid ICT developments have all changed the routines of traditional academic librarianship (Musoke, 2008). The demand for information resources has increased, with diminishing budgets, resulting in a poor service to library users. This is further evidenced in the NCHE report of 2007 as outlined above. 2. 2 Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) CARLI is an unincorporated association, with a total of 153 member institutions all over the State of Illinois (CARLI, July 2009). 2. 2. 1 History July 1, 2005 saw the merging of three Illinois academic library consortia to a consolidated consortium called CARLI; the merged  consortia include: Illinois Cooperative Collection Management Program (ICCMP), formed in 1986 and provided statewide collection studies and grants; Illinois Digital Academic Library (IDAL), formed in 1999 and provided centralized electronic resource licensing; and Illinois Library Computer Systems Organization (ILCSO) formed in 1980, provided the shared integrated library system Illinet Online which became I-Share in the consolidation. The merging of these three consortia was aimed at improving the efficiency and cost 11  effectiveness of services, increasing the effectiveness of consortial and member library staff efforts, and creating opportunities to pursuenew programs and services that the three constituent consortia would not have been able to provide on their own. CARLI has continued to add new products, services and programs including: The I-Share integrated library system, E-resources licensing, digital collections and statewide collections awards and programs. 2. 2. 2 Strategic plan, values, and goals CARLI remains fully committed to fulfilling its established mission: The Consortium leads Illinois academic libraries tocreate and sustain a rich, supportive, and diverse knowledge environment that furthers teaching, learning, and research through the sharing of collections, expertise and programs  and attaches great importance to cooperation among academic and research libraries of all types, sizes and missions; respect for the diverse missions and populations served by member institutions; recognition of each member institution’s autonomy; Sharing the full range of academic library resources effectively and economically; free and open access to all intellectual resources; excellence in providing services and programs; innovation in identifying and implementing collaborative solutions to shared challenges; responsiveness to member needs; cost-effectiveness in the delivery of programs, services, and products; careful stewardship of all CARLI resources; protecting the privacy and security of library records; supportingintellectual freedom; and advocacy for academic and research libraries at the local, state, regional and national levels. Furthermore, the consortium reaffirms its commitment to resource sharing, through the continued maintenance and development of its integrated library management system, and the provision of meaningful electronic resources, through brokering, subsidization and cost-sharing agreements as outlined in its four broad strategic priorities: Collaboration and Leadership, Innovation, Resource Sharing, and E-Resources (CARLI, 2007). 12 2. 2. 3 Membership 2. 2. 3. 1 How to become a CARLI member All higher education institutions in Illinois that are recognized by the Illinois Board of Higher Education, and are members of the Illinois Library and Information Network (ILLINET) are eligible for membership in CARLI; andwill agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the CARLI Membership Agreement and any other subsidiary agreements governing participation in a specific CARLI service. However individual member libraries retain autonomy over their own operations. CARLI membership includes three categories each with a different entitlement and responsibility, and different annual membership fees. As of the fall of2009 there were 107 Governing, 30 Associate and 16 Basic members. 2. 2. 3. 2 Membership categories and obligations Governing membership is entitled to participate in all CARLI products, services, and programs at the fullest level of central support; participate in all CARLI committees, task forces, and user groups; receive priority status on waiting lists to join I-Share and other premium services like enrollment in training sessions. Associate membership is eligible for most services and programs, and participates in CARLI governance as a group represented by a single voting member on the CARLI Board of Directors. Basic membership qualifies for selected services and programs, and does not participate in CARLI governance or voting. CARLI member institutions may upgrade to a higher or move to a lesser membership level by following the CARLI Bylaws. Eligible institutions that have not joined CARLI may participate in CARLIemail discussion lists, and may attend CARLI training events and workshops at a feesometimes higher than that of the three membership categories. 2. 2. 3. 3 Membership benefits. CARLI serves over 98% of Illinois higher education students, faculty and staff at 153 member institutions of which 76 institutions benefit from I-Share; E-resources brokering with over 1,000 discounted subscriptions to electronic journals and other resources; a 24-hour delivery by Illinois Library Delivery Service (ILDS) to 141 CARLI libraries and all the state’s regional library systems; the Book Digitization Initiative for Illinois academic and research libraries; in-house development of VuFind an open 13 source front end to I-Share catalog; and participation in the University of Rochester’s Extensible Catalog project. 2. 2. 3. 4 Funding sources CARLI’s sources of funding include annual subscription membership fees where Governing membership contribution ranges from a minimum of $1000 to a maximum of $10,000 and is calculated by student Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment and institution type, Associate members pay $500, and Basic membership is $100. Other funding includes contributions towards e-resources brokering, development of library systems like I-share catalogue and VuFind, support for digitization projects and the Open Content Alliance, through conducting workshops where each membership contributes different fees to participate in any activity, and grants from the state and federal governments. The CARLI financial year runs from July 1 – June 30. 2. 2. 4 Governance CARLI operates under the direction of the CARLI Bylaws 2008 (CARLI, 2008, 2006). The University of Illinois serves as CARLI’s fiscal and contractual agent under a Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and CARLI Board of Directors. CARLI operates as a unit of the University Office for Planning. and Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2. 2. 4. 1 Board of Directors and committees CARLI Board of Directors oversees the affairs of CARLI except those reserved for the entire membership; sets strategic directionof the consortium; oversees all CARLI committees; reviews and approves the detail and thetotal organizational budget each year; advises and gives recommendations on the hiring and evaluation of the Assistant Vice-President for Planning & Administration/ CARLIExecutive Director; and provides advice and input to the University of Illinois in matters relating to the Consortium. The Board meets regularly throughout the year. In addition to the Board of Directors, there are several committees, working groups, user groups, and task groups established to support the Board in carrying out operational and programmatic activities of the consortium; assist the Board in the development, implementation, operation, and evaluation of programs and services; provide the Board with advice and recommendations related to policy, management, fiscal, and on other matters that 14 require the Board’s attention. Each committee or group has CARLI liaison fulltime staff who works as a focal point for a designated committee; committees meet quarterly with CARLI Board of Directors or as required. The committees and groups are required to present reports at the end of each task assigned tothem; the reports are published and made public online on the CARLI web page. 2. 2. 4. 2 Board committee organization Board committees are of two categories, standing (permanent) committees referenced in the CARLI Bylaws and temporary â€Å"ad hoc† groups established to carry out a specific task and then discharged. All committeesreport to the Board on a schedule established by the Board. Each Board committee has a CARLI staff liaison. Ad hoc groups have sunset dates at which point the group will be discharged. 2. 2. 4. 2. 1 Standing (permanent) committees There are five permanent committees established by the CARLI Bylaws. Executive committee: The officers of the CARLI Board of Directors shall constitute the Executive Committee. The Committee is advisory both to the Chair and to the Board of Directors on scheduling agenda topics and preparing information for the Board of Directors’ review and action. The Executive Committee is authorized to act on behalf of the Board of Directors on any urgent matter requiring Board approval, unless a regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled to take place within 48 hours. The CARLI Board elects its own Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect each year to join the current Chair, Past Chair, and CARLI Executive Director in forming the Executive Committee and will meet as needed to update the Board on their plans and actions. CARLI Executive Director is the Staff or Board liaison. The finance committee provides the Board with recommendations related to annual budget requests, the annual budget, the annual financial performance report, and any other financial matters that require the Board’s attention. It’s composed of four Board members, one each from public institutions, private institutions, community colleges, and one at large. The Past CARLI Chair isthe chair of the committee. The Finance committee reports to the CARLI Board of Directors, on a quarterly basis. CARLI Staff or Board liaisons are the CARLI Executive Director, and CARLI Director for Business and Financial Services. 15 The personnel committee provides the Board with recommendations and input into the recruitment, compensation and evaluation of performance of the Assistant VicePresident and Executive Director. The Board, in turn, provides its recommendations to the University of Illinois. The Committee may also provide the Board with recommendations and input into any other personnel matters that require its attention. The Personnel Committee is composed of four Board members, one each from public institutions, private institutions, community colleges, and one at large. The ViceChair/Chair Elect is the Chair of the Committee. The group reports to the CARLI Board of Directors and University of Illinois Associate Vice President for Planning and Budgeting on an annual basis. The CARLI Board liaison is the University of Illinois Associate Vice President for Planning and Budge.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Water Baptism: Its Significance in the Life of a Christian

Christian living is impossible without the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact the whole Christian faith is founded in the fact that Jesus died for the sins of mankind and yet after three days rose from the grave. In the numerous sacraments and ordinances issued by the Church there is nothing that comes close to this foundational aspect of Christianity other than the sacrament of water baptism. This paper will look into the significance of water baptism in relation to the life, teachings, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.In his last major pronouncements before he ascended into the clouds and into the heaven, Jesus commanded his disciples to teach, make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the centuries since then, there is no argument that Christians should go into the ends of the earth to teach others about the Good News of the Kingdom and the details of the new covenant in the blood of Christ. There is als o no argument about the need to make disciples – to bring people of all nations into a committed relationship to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.But for hundreds of years, especially after the Reformation there is an ongoing and very much heated debate on how to obey the third part of the Great Commission and that is on how to go about with water baptism. Furthermore, this paper supports the argument made by a Scottish scholar named Alexander Campbell who in the middle-of-the-nineteenth century, made the following proposition, â€Å"Immersion in water into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, is the one only Christian Baptism.† This is achieved by getting an in-depth look at Campbell's own work with regards to the subject matter; a review of what others had written about the topic; and finally consult the Scriptures and in the end let it be the verdict as to what is most probable in light of the whole Bible – whether baptism is immersi on or a) sprinkling of water; b) pouring of water; or c) purifying in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Significance Before going any further it is important to establish the significance of water baptism in order to justify a more extensive foray into the topic.There are at least three major reasons why water baptism is significant in light of Christian tradition. Aside from what was already mentioned; that there is a direct correlation between water baptism and the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, there are other reasons why the said sacrament is important. It is according to Kittel, â€Å"†¦ the reconciling action of God †¦ It places us objectively in Christ, the second Adam; it thus removes us from the sphere of death of the first Adam †¦Ã¢â‚¬  It is a way to transformation, the beginning point of a new life. Furthermore, water baptism is seen in the gospels as one of the primary actions necessary after conversion. According to Stanley Grenz water baptism is a bona fide ordinance because the foundation lies in the Lord's command as followed by the Apostolic Churches. (p. 520). Grenz also argues that water baptism is an appropriate symbol of the central aspects of the gospel story. He also adds that it provides â€Å"†¦a fitting means for us to symbolize our commitment to Christ, our participation in his death and resurrection, and our anticipation of the full reception of salvation at the eschatological consummation of God's program. † R. Bruce Compton of the Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary quotes Martin Luther who made the generalization that, â€Å"It worketh forgiveness of sins, delivers from death and the devil, and gives everlasting salvation to all who believes, as the Word and promise of God declares. † Compton goes further in saying that baptism is the sign of conversion – initiation, the evidence of genuine repentance.The latest statement made by Compton is very much significant i n light of human nature. This is because there is an inherent difficulty in understanding spiritual matters. Even Scriptures are full of references to man's inability to fully comprehend spiritual matters. In the case of salvation, forgiveness of sins, a new life in Christ, all these are alien to the flesh. Therefore, water baptism is a welcome event because it aids the carnal mind in absorbing newfound truths of his or her newfound relationship in Christ Jesus.Aside from the general understanding of water baptism as shown above, the significance of this sacrament or practice in the Christian community is supported by the following arguments. First of all water baptism was undoubtedly practiced from the very first, there are references of such practice as early as Acts chapter 2. Secondly, water baptism is a public declaration that one is following Christ. And thirdly that water baptism is a form of a rite of passage to distinguish those who are serious in their pursuit of Christian ity.Alexander Campbell arrived at the same conclusion while studying the New Testament. Previously Campbell was an expert in the Calvinist position of the baptism of infants but a thorough study of the Gospels made him to realize, â€Å"†¦ that the Church originally and intentionally immersed only penitent believers, able and willing to call on the name of the Lord. † There is no space to discuss the fine points of Calvinism but suffice it to say that Campbell's view follows closely the Christian tradition especially during the Acts of the Apostles and the first one hundred years of the Church's existence.Later it will be shown that this view fits nicely into the greater scheme of things. Baptizo The next thing that needs to be established is the fact the aforementioned submerging, immersion or dipping of the Christian should be done in water. This is very important because it has a direct bearing on the the main idea brought forward in the very beginning of this discuss ion. At this point there is already a general understanding that there is a raging controversy going on with regards to the interpretation of the greek term â€Å"baptizo†.An error in interpretation will greatly impact the Christian's journey into maturity in Christ because the foundations of his beliefs are seriously undermined. A new believer who was deprived of the experience – of full immersion in water and rising up from the same – can have a theoretical understanding of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and yet not have a clear grasp of what it actually means. Furthermore, with regards to the charge of the Apostle Paul, that Christians are dead to sin and yet alive to Christ, the new believer has very limited resources in trying to fully comprehend such a profound statement.It requires a step-by-step process to untangle the mystery and to find a resolution to the issue of water baptism. Resolving this issue requires going to the heart of the mat ter and to trace the root-cause of the controversy. For hundreds of year theologians from all over the world are splitting hairs and the source of contention is one mere word – baptism. The term baptism is the transliteration from two Greek words, â€Å"baptizo† which a verb and â€Å"baptisma† which is a noun. The transliteration produced a new English word â€Å"baptism† which roughly means the â€Å"†¦action of washing with or plunging into (literally, surrounding with) water. The issue of the usage of the term quickly turns into a heated debate because the transliteration in effect muddied the waters. It would have been easier if there is a more forceful translation of what Jesus actually meant when he said to go to the ends of the earth and baptizing disciples. There is a need to spend some time pondering why there is such difficulty in extracting the exact meaning of the command. It turns out that there is more to it than a simple case of misc ommunication.The authors of the Gospels are faced with a tremendous difficulty and it is to communicate a concept that is without precedence. This idea is not new. Many had pointed out to the unique ideas found in the Gospel. Even the Apostle Paul comments on the fact that others find the concept of Christianity mind boggling or simply unconventional. The same is true with baptism; it is without precedent and the Gospel is authors are trying to find the appropriate Greek word to describe a new rite of passage based on the teachings of Christ.In the old way of doing things it is simply the killing of a substitute to cover for the sin of another. In the new paradigm of Jesus Christ a person dies and then resurrects to new life. Since there is already an acknowledgment that there is no perfect human language to capture the ideas of God the next best thing to do is to immerse in an in-depth study of Greek terminologies. It is at this point when the work of those who devoted their entire lives in the stud of Scriptures proves to be very helpful. One of the most respected names in the study of water baptism is Alexander Campbell.In his opus, Christian Baptism: With Its Antecedents and Consequents, Campbell painstakingly analyzed the work of hundreds of Lexicographers and a multitude of linguists to ascertain the correct usage of the term â€Å"baptizo† and its root word â€Å"bapto†. The followign discussion is a summary of his conclusions. Campbell Elucidates By way of introduction, Campbell made very effective preparatory remarks when he argued that Jesus will not command anything that will not result in an act that would signify obedience.Thus, baptism should be understood clearly as an action that must be done to satisfy the commands of God. This simply means that a Christian after a careful study of the Bible will arrive at a correct understanding of what Jesus meant by baptism. Campbell, in the long run, was able to show convincingly that there i s no way one can miss the true intentions of the Lord and what he meant by baptism. Campbell made it very clear that the exact term used was â€Å"baptizo† and it was derived from â€Å"bapto† therefore one ought to focus on the root term to arrive at the correct definition.Campbell then concludes that since the root word, â€Å"bapto† can only mean immerse or dip. It is then easy to conclude that baptism is immersion or submersion into something and not to be poured or sprinkled with something. Pupose of Baptism Now that it has been made crystal clear the fact that baptism should be the immersion of a believer's whole body into a body of water preferably a running stream or river. But if the only source of water is the swimming pool or the nearby beach then this will do as long as the whole person is submerged and his or her body surrounded by water.This is a very crucial aspect of the baptism because there are two principles that are being demonstrated each an d every time a believer goes through the process of water baptism. The first principle is with regards to the symbolic representation of the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. As the a person is submerged to water it mimics the death of Christ and when the same rises up exultantly out of the water it is symbolic of Christ's victory over the grave. Now, the second principle of Christian living that is demonstrated in water baptism concerns the washing of filth through the water of his Word.Death and Resurrection to Glory The water – which is deep enough to totally cover the whole body when submerged – it acts as a representation of the grave upon which Christ was buried. It now serves as the new believer's â€Å"grave† so to speak. As the person is dipped into the water, the person dies to himself and to the world. And when the person is raised up from the water, this action is symbolic of Jesus resurrection from the grave and therefore the person a lso rises with him.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Charlotte Beers at Ogilvy and Mather Worldwide Essay

1 Recommendations 1.Define Brand Stewardship work procedures, provide coaching and training to gain support in the middle/lower management. Create an O&M-brand, use BrandPrint for O&M itself. 2.Align the organizational structures of the company by establishing profit centers. Focus the ERP system on worldwide CRM. Adjust the compensation system to reward brand thinking and brand management. 3.Recraft and connect the vision to O&M’s core values, create a visible BHAG and specify tangible objectives. Establish symbols like the colour red and a brand hall of fame. 4.Create and man a global brand stewardship coordination officer position to support Beers and enable her to focus on selling the vision to the clients. 5.Resegmentize customers by focussing on building brands for large, globally operating Fortune 500 companies. 2 Rationales 2.1 Internal Propagation of the Vision Propagation has top priority because of unbalanced internal and external situation. To ensure a high quality of customer service, it is necessary to make sure that all parts of the service marketing triangle are equally prepared and committed to the new brand-oriented vision. Currently, the management has already attracted a number of clients with the concept of Brand Stewardship, but has fallen behind in communicating its ideas and implications to the middle and lower management and to the front-line employees. This is hazardous, because it has built up a service promise to the customers which the company cannot fully keep and deliver at the moment. This will directly  lead to significant customer dissatisfaction, hence it must be the top priority to propagate the vision internally. Missionaries, training and communication are most effective for a top-down approach. In order to find the most effective measures, it is essential to keep in mind that Beers has brought the vision to the company as an outsider and has installed it from the top. Therefore it is vital to broaden the community that carries this vision. The O&M’s employees, who developed a certain inertia during the successful eighties, must gain intrinsic motivation to adapt to the vision by understanding what is in it for them and what the way is to realize these benefits. This also includes that strong resisters who cannot identify themselves at all are to be convinced that it is best for them to leave the company. The Doral Arrowwood group should be appointed as â€Å"missionnaries† to spread and anchor the idea of Brand Stewardship in all O&M departments. Besides the vision idea, brand-oriented work procedures and concepts like the brand audit and BrandPrint must be formally defined and introduced by coaching and training sessions as well as by communicating them through channels like the corporate intranet, employee brochures and letters and company speeches and forums. The early visible successes of the new approach like the Jaguar BrandPrint and the American Express recapture should be used to illustrate its potential. Shaping O&M as an own brand by using BrandPrint is important for credibility. O&M as an advertising agency sells the development of brands as their primary service. This puts it in the somewhat delicate situation that in order to not lose credibility, it has to prove its abilities by developing the name O&M itself into a brand standing for strong brands. I recommend using the concepts of BrandPrint and brand audits for the twofold benefit that it yields valuable information about the change progress towards Brand Stewardship and gives the employees a deeper insight in how to apply these concepts appropriately. 2.2 Alignment of Organizational Structures Changes in the external industry conditions call for organizational changes. The advertising industry has changed dramatically over the last few years. Globalization had its impact, advertisement spending has been cut, the importance of mass media has decreased in favour of direct marketing and simple independent campaigns have become offered as a commodity. O&M’s organizational structure has not been adapted to these changes and is therefore not adequate to meet the requirements for a successful implementation of the new vision. The communication breakdown between local offices and international management reflects this as well as the prevailing disagreements about financial allocations. Turn offices and WCS into profit centers and put the ERP focus on CRM. A method to solve the problems about how to distribute the revenues and workload between WCS and local offices is to turn them into profit centers. The WCS will manage the direct account contacts and coordinate global brands and campaigns. The local offices are then subcontracted for local adaptation and implementation. This separation will also clarify the reporting relationships between the management-oriented WCS and the creativity-focused local offices. To remedy the communication problem, facilitate a thorough knowledge and information exchange and ensure consistency as necessary for global Brand Stewardship, the company’s ERP system must be refocused on Customer Relationship Management aspects. The data extracted from Beers’ client interviews will prove helpful in identifying these aspects. Company-wide accesses to this CRM system will empower front-line employees to fulfil the quality service promise given to the clients and will furthermore create a sense of network and community in the company. In addition, it will reduce transaction cost and boost efficiency, thus enabling O&M to maximize the profitability of voluminous global accounts. Make the incentive system reward brand thinking and brand management. The salary and incentive system must reflect the differences between the local offices and the WCS, but both must award efforts supporting the Brand Stewardship idea. Therefore it is advisable to grant WCS executives a bonus dependant on the world-wide reputation, volume and number of the brands they are responsible for. Incentives for local offices should be based on the current implementation and customization success of the brand, determined for example by local polls and changes in clients’ sales revenues. 2.3 Recraft the Vision and connect it to Symbols Attach the brand vision to the company’s core values. Since the mission did not evolve from the company but was brought from outside, it is necessary to make sure that it gets connected to the core values of O&M. In order to achieve this, those core values must be â€Å"re-identified†, specified and checked whether they still prevail in the company. The allusion of fiefdoms within O&M indicates that the statement of â€Å"not having time for prima donnas and politicians† is currently rather wishful thinking than reality. Erect a BHAG and a tangible milestone plan. Besides this, the vision catchphrase might be quite elegant, but is not specific and vivid enough to create directly visible targets and a so-called Big Hairy Audacious Goal, a long-term motivation point. â€Å"We will be the stewards for two thirds of the most valuable brands† is a more suitable formulation for such a kind of goal. Tangible objectives are also of great importance for creating motivation and sustaining the momentum of the organizational change. Therefore, a milestone plan should be set up, saying that within the next year the ten most important client accounts should be turned into fully-fledged Brand Stewardship relationships, and for an equal number of new clients a Brand Stewardship should be established. Symbolize the brand vision with the corporate colour red and a brand hall of fame. In order to anchor the vision in the company and to attach it emotionally to the employees, it must be connected to symbols. The distinctive red corporate colour can be exploited and should be made associated with the brand vision, for example by slogans like â€Å"Think red!†. Founding a representative â€Å"hall of fame† with well-known and successful brands that have been developed and stewarded by O&M will also help convincing and committing employees to the idea and will generate a sense of pride of what they created. 2.4 Appoint a global Brand Stewardship Officer Beers as a leader needs a capable operations manager besides her. The good success of Charlotte Beers’ first year as the leader and change agent of O&M indicates that she has the capability to fill the leadership vacuum which was opened when the founder David Ogilvy left the company and could so far not be successfully refilled by his successors. But in order to effectively implement the brand vision, it takes more than a good leader that stands for the right things to do. A dedicated manager to then do those things right is equally crucial for a sustained change process. Appoint an established O&M executive as CBSO. For this reason, Beers should create the position of a Chief Brand Stewardship Officer, responsible for the implementation of the brand concepts and for coordinating and steering the global operations. The country and zone managers should report to him, whereas he directly reports to Beers. This gives Beers the opportunity to fully dedicate her time on what she is best at: representing the vision inside the company and selling and communicating it to the clients and to the public. It is advisable to appoint an established O&M executive for this CBSO position, since a thorough understanding of the prevailing business processes and an anchored trust base will provide helpful for this task. 2.5 Resegmentation of Customers Globally operating Fortune 500 companies are the target clients for O&M. The investment into the CRM system and the organizational structure for world-wide brand coordination is substantial. To justify that expenditure, it is necessary to build volume by targeting the largest corporations which have a need for truly global brands. In case of scarce resources or busy local offices, small accounts and local clients have to be dropped first. This will also help to establish the company image as the brand steward of the giants and aid to fully turn the recently positively developing profit margin into substantial bottom-line results.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Shakespeare adaptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Shakespeare adaptions - Essay Example Taking into account the works of Zeffirelli and Luhrmann, it is possible to agree with Tatspaugh and her vision of film adaptations and new approaches to the tragedies of love. Critics underline that modern adaptations of Romeo and Juliet comprise a composite art of story-telling, by which the film maker claims and rewards the attention of his viewers while ensuring that they will be alerted to everything they should know. Alterations may also be justified because of the centuries that stand between Shakespeare and the modern audience. Following Zeffirelli, it is the responsibility of film makers to bridge this gap to the classics and imagine that the author had been able "to write that play today for us" (Zeffirellia 257). So Romeo and Juliet's love-making in the film was appropriately more physical than Shakespeare's circumstances permitted. A movie-maker who seeks a popular audience must also mediate boldly between the original theatrical medium and film: "cinema creates a different chemistry with the audience, a different taste, and the attention of the audience moves so fastfantasy gallops in the audience in movies (Zeffirellia 261)your mind flashes-f lashes-flashes" (263). Dramatization of the timeless conflict between generations allows film maker to attract young audience to the play. Film adaptations of Romeo and Juliet are linked to youth culture and the pedagogical implications of Shakespeare's popularization on film. Popularization has meant the proliferation of representations, on the one hand, and thus an enlargement of what can be legitimately studied as part of the Shakespeare canon. Critics admit that these changes lead to the disappearance of a single, unified Shakespeare whose works. Two reasons make Zeffirelli's success as a "popularizer": costs of filmmaking and power to make audiences laugh and weep. In his approach to Romeo and Juliet, his characteristic accent on youth was of the essence. For his production of the play he chose unusually young principals and cast. Certainly his film draws on similar youth-culture, generation-gap appeals. As he recounts in his Autobiography, the fact that a Hollywood producers teenage son was moved by what he saw of the film in progress was crucial in the producer's decision to fund its completion (Zeffirellib, 228-29). For the most part Zeffirelli seems to let the story tell itself, pausing in places to admire the beauty of the lovers' faces and bodies, but in a compelling away entering into the story's own pace, rhythm, and points of climax, which he emphasizes by lavish use of background music. Deliberately calling attention to a social space, the film makers appropriates Romeo and Juliet as a mirror in which youth might confront the romantic relations and their prevailing social order. Luhrmann attempts to change the "original" staging conditions and portray the play as a modern drama. Romeo and Juliet is no less integrated, but in it the director's hand is less obtrusive. As before he allows his inventiveness several virtuoso displays-the opening brawl, the ball, the duels-all of them handled in his characteristically supercharged, richly textured style. Luhrmann changes em otional gears in mid-course, as he delineates the problems that confront the marriage (Palmer n.d.). Aspiration toward timeliness, although it helps to attract paying customers, need not lead to a cheapening of the original. The film makers have not succumbed to the too-easy updating that can come with

Neurocysticercosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Neurocysticercosis - Essay Example The pig is an intermediate host, which harbors the larvae after ingesting the ova, while the ultimate hosts are humans. (Dhawan, 2007) Neurocysticercosis is caused by the intake of food contaminated with the waste products of a T. solium tapeworm carrier. The adult T. solium inhabits itself in the small intestine of humans, where it attaches itself to the intestinal wall by its suckers and hooks. A few pregnant proglottids are detached from the distal end of the body of the worm every day and passed with the feces; every proglottid contains thousands of eggs, which are fully embryonated, and resistant to all sorts of harsh environments and infective. (Etiopathogenesis of Neurocysticercosis, 2002) If pig products infected with the larvae are ingested, the intestines are subject to a tapeworm infection; when these eggs are ingested and subjected to gastric acid found inside the human stomach, their protective capsule is dissolved and the eggs turn into larval cysts, called oncospheres. Oncospheres travel through the vascular system to the brain, muscle, eyes, and other organs and body parts. The ingested ova develop into larvae (cysticerci) and lodge in soft tissues, especially skin, muscle, and brain. Cysticerci are fluid-filled oval cysts, approximately 1-2 cm in diameter, with an internal scolex. Once in the brain, the larval cysts (cysticerci) initially generate a minimal immune response and may remain in the brain as functional cysts for years. A live cyst can remain in there undetected for as long as 5 years before dying or causing symptoms in the host and cause minor inflammation in the tissue around it. (Christopher M. DeGiorgio, 2004) Finally, Neurologic symptoms by the cyst arise when it dies and the human mounts an associated inflammatory response. (Dhawan, 2007) The symptoms include: Seizures, which are severe involuntary movements of the body, headaches, states of confusion, lack of attention with people around and other things in the surrounding, difficulty with balance, Hydrocephalus or the swelling of the brain in which the cerebral ventricle dilate and lastly, sudden death as a cause of heavy infections. The Stages There are basically four stages of cysts within the parenchyma of the brain: vesicular, colloidal, nodular/granular, and calcified granulomas. In the first stage, the viable cyst larva is known as a vesicular cyst and has a minimum amount of activity which is because of little or no host immune response. As time passes the cyst degenerates, fluid from the larval cyst leaks into the parenchyma, creating a noticeable immune response. An enhancing cyst, without a proper scolex, is called a colloidal cyst. During the colloidal this phase, the parasite begins to demonstrate degenerative changes, the vesicular fluid takes on a gelatinous colloidal form, and the wall thickens. The CT scan shows an annular enhancement bounded by perilesional edema. Performing an MRI, the capsule displays a higher signal than the surrounding brain. As the cyst deteriorates more, it forms a nodule. In the nodular phase, the vesicle usually decreases in size, and its contents turn semisolid, and are slowly repl aced by granulomatous tissue. After the parasite dies, a mineralization process takes place that ends up in a calcified nodule that inhibits

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Strategic Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management - Research Paper Example Strategic management plays a significant role in the growth and competitiveness of any organisation. British Airways in order to maintain its competitiveness in the existing contemporary global business environment requires identifying the need for strategic change. In order to successfully cope up with the changing global environment as well as consumer demand, an organisation like British Airways requires assessing their external environmental factors. In the process of undertaking organisational change, the support and constructive approach of the management plays a key part. Thus, in order to sustain its position in among the tough competitive global market BA requires performing and managing changes according to the need of the hour. Therefore, the study will look to evaluate need for strategic change for British Airways and the method by which the organisation should look to realign with respect to its external environment. ... pects which can be recognized for BA in the process of strategic change are the need for providing customer satisfaction which had seen a decline and also make substantial technological advancements which will enable them to attract as well as retain consumers. This overall strategic change can also aid BA to enhance overall experience of the customers. In the airline sector, the customer retention is one of the major aspects. With the advent of so many low-fare airlines along with the need for providing high level of safety and security, the people process strategy and technological advancements have become inseparable components for any airline organisation (Quy, 2011). The strategic management objectives for BA in the past market few years have been to become the ‘world’s leading global premium airline’. In order to make their cost base more efficient and to provide unparallel customer service they need to constantly evaluate the present scenario and look for a ny possible opportunity (British Airways, 2010). Despite their endeavor and prospects of growth and sustainability BA require to be always on their toes due to the existing complexities in their operations. The airline industry globally as well as in the UK is highly competitive. By referring to Michael Porter’s five forces model it can be observed that the barriers to entry in the industry is quite high. Therefore, the existing players in the market have been able to sustain their position in the market. The other significant aspects that compel BA to undertake strategic change includes government regulations, availability of funding from the designated financial markets, terrorism, pandemics and others. The aspects related to mergers and acquisitions among the competitors can also force BA to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discuss who is responsible for creating a 'Broken Britain' Essay

Discuss who is responsible for creating a 'Broken Britain' - Essay Example David Cameron, the prime minister of Conservatives, prior to the lections of 2008 had appeared in Glassgow and gave a vision of broken Britain’ for the first time. In his speech, he admitted the effects caused by destruction of industries and its disastrous outcomes on jobs and aspirations of people. What is actually meant was formulation of wrong policies which curbed the interests and wellbeing of middle- class Britons. People who were around and below poverty line and people facing social exclusion were his chief concerns. He placed their problem on similar grounds of importance with other national problems like obesity, consumption of drugs and alcohol. He insisted that problems in society arise as direct â€Å"consequence of the choices people make†. This view of broken Britain is shared by most British citizens. Glassgow’s residents had suffered though the phrases said by Cameron (Jones, 2011, p. 73). Politics, more precisely liberalism had played a major role in breaking it further. While endorsing his â€Å"semi- apocalyptic† vision of Britain being broken into pieces, the working middle class and lower middle class sections were first held responsible and then shown as victims. This duality in policy led to division of opinions among millions of Britons all across the state. Added to it, since then whenever there occurred any tragic incident or mishap happened, political leaders tried their level best to exemplify them and support their own respective views. All these did nothing but infuriated the common people. Several surveys and studies have reflected the growing contempt. The working class or middle class average Britons were targeted by both the parties belong to right and left (Jones, 2011, p. 73).... Added to it, since then whenever there occurred any tragic incident or mishap happened, political leaders tried their level best to exemplify them and support their own respective views. All these did nothing but infuriated the common people. Several surveys and studies have reflected the growing contempt. The working class or middle class average Britons were targeted by both the parties belong to right and left (Jones, 2011, p. 73). Britain: social decay Present day British society is subdivided into numerous categories. Different classes are segmented based on culture, ethnicity, affluence, ancestral roots and tradition. All these segmentations have made Britain’s society rather a complex one. Political and cultural authority of London all over Britain is not welcomed by some parts of Britain. Also districts like Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England have been continuously pledging for autonomous power in their respective areas than centralized authority of London ( Levitas, 2005, p 123). At the same time, there exists stark disparity among the rich and affluent class and the economically depressed ones. Thus gaps regarding economy and culture have separated northern and southern parts of Britain. Above all is the political rift between the liberals and the conservatives. The political arena has created divisions among natives, common citizens, minority communities and groups of special interest. Their chief concern is the imbalance between ethnic cultures and national identity as a British. Also, one can experience a chord of disharmony among the cities and the British countryside. Difference in moral values among the old and new generation can also be found all through Britain. This is roughly the present

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Discuss Hirst and Thompsons view that globalization, as conceived by Essay

Discuss Hirst and Thompsons view that globalization, as conceived by the more extreme globalizers, is largely a myth - Essay Example The first reason is that globalisation is not a new, unprecedented phenomenon. It has been going on for over 2,500 years,3 being greatly instrumental in helping ancient Greek, Roman, Chinese and Middle Eastern civilisations bring together large areas.4 Silks from Asia were sold in the Roman Empire under the rule of Julius Caesar. The Middle Ages period witnessed Europeans buying pepper grown in Asia. Portugal ousted the Ottomans to establish control over the Indian Ocean in the 16th century, with its powerful caravels and carracks guaranteeing spice trade. The same scenario is repeated today, only this time it is the mighty fleet of U.S Navy carriers that is safeguarding the oil trade.5 The Dutch East India Company is credited with transforming globalisation into a remarkable business development in the 17th century. Dubbed as the world’s first Multinational Company {MNC} it pioneered the allotment of shares {a crucial driver for globalisation} as a method of dividing risk and facilitating joint ownership. During the 19th century, the liberalisation that took place {dubbed as the ‘First Era of Globalisation’} saw the speedy growth of trade and investment first between the European imperialist nations and their colonies, and later between the former and the United States.6 The second reason is the existence of Regional Blocks. Contrary to the concept of globalisation that involves the manufacture and distribution of goods and services of similar characteristics and quality on a global basis, nearly all trade involving big companies currently occurs within these blocks. Prominent traders find it more logical and profitable to concentrate on national and regional levels.7 Research has established that business enterprises tend to conduct operations in one of 3 Regional Blocks – North America, the EU and Japan.8 Within each Regional Block, trade activities are largely carried out by the Multinational Companies (MNCs)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Comparative Leadership Approches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparative Leadership Approches - Essay Example A number of contemporary leaders manifest distinct approaches by exhibiting traits, knowledge, skills, and abilities that set them apart from the rest. Among the two organizational leaders that have been deemed to contribute to the extraordinary development and professional growth of their respective organizations are John Frances Welch Jr., known as Jack Welch to many, the former CEO of General Electric; and Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, Inc. In this regard, the current research aims to compare and contrast the approaches of these two leaders: Welch and Jobs, by using relevant leadership theories. Initially, a brief background on the definition of leadership would be provided; as well as pertinent contemporary leadership theories that are applied by both leaders identified would be presented. Further, the lessons that leaders in organizations could learn from these leaders would be proffered. Leadership Concepts The study conducted by Stone and Patterson (2005) perused the history of leadership theories and the origin was traced in the beginning of civilization. As averred, â€Å"Egyptian rulers, Greek heroes, and biblical patriarchs all have one thing in common–leadership†. According to Martires and Fule, leadership is the process of influencing people so that they will seek defined objectives enthusiastically. It is concerned with eliciting behavioral responses that are more than routine. More clearly, Tannenbaum and Massarik describe the relationship between leadership and influence by saying that leadership is â€Å"interpersonal influence, exercised in situations and directed, through the communication process, toward the attainment of specified goal or goals. Leadership always involves attempts on the part of a leader (influencer) to affect (influence) the behavior of a follower (influence) or followers in a situation† ((1957, p. 3). The definitions would reveal t he important elements particularly emerging in a leadership situation: the goals that are aimed to be achieved, the process of influencing, and the transformation from where the organization was to where to plans to be. Contemporary leadership theories have emphasized the concepts of transformational leadership on the organization (Stone and Patterson, 2005, pp. 6 - 11). As cited by Stone and Patterson, â€Å"with transformational leadership, the leader's focus is directed toward the organization, but leader behavior builds follower commitment toward the organizational objectives through empowering followers to accomplish those objectives (Yukl, 2002, cited in Stone and Patterson, 2005, p. 8). Jack Welch’s Leadership Approach In a comprehensive discourse written by Byrne (1998), Welch was identified to exude the following leadership roles: as teacher, mentor, coach, â€Å"the management theorist, strategic thinker, business teacher, and corporate icon† (par. 9). Due t o the remarkable growth of GE under Welch’s helm, Byrne (1998) emphasized the transformation of the organization to attest on Welch’s exemplary ability as a leader: the growth in market value of GE â€Å"from just $12 billion in 1981 to about $280 billion today. No one, not Microsoft's (MSFT) William H. Gates III or Intel's (INTC) Andrew S. Grove, not Walt Disney's (DIS) Michael D. Eisner or Berkshire Hathaway's (BKR.A) Warren E. Buffett, not even the late Coca-Cola (KO) chieftain Roberto C. Goizueta or the late Wal-Mart (WMT) founder Sam Walton has created more shareholder value than Jack Welch† (Byrne, 1998, par. 12). The analysis of Welch leadership approach and style revealed that an interplay of traits and application of leadership theori

Friday, August 23, 2019

Social and Economic Impacts on Communities of Hosting The London Essay

Social and Economic Impacts on Communities of Hosting The London Olympic Games 2012 - Essay Example This study therefore examines the social impact of host communities staging major sport events with a specific examination of the upcoming London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. The study utilised a secondary research method applying Morgan (2007) SLR methodology to scrutinise the various literature on the subject. The literature examined was based on past sports effect limited to the 2000 Sidney Olympics to the most recent Beijing Games 2008. The sources were collected from academic, journals, books and relevant reports as well as topical writings. The study has indicated a positive social impact on local communities with numerous studies indicating that the local population has gained tremendously from the staging of the event in their backyard. Many indicators point at a resurgence of the formerly deprived area to emerge as a major economic zone in London. The study was however, limited by the scope of the research, which was examining the topic prior to the staging of the events, hence lacked some long-term view of the sustenance of the projects. This study will build upon existing research on the social impact of major sports events but with particular focus upon the upcoming London 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games. The study evaluates the positive and negative impact of hosting the Games on local communities while also seeking to establish the short term and long-term effects to the community. The study aims at determining whether major or mega sporting events exemplified by the Olympics have a positive or negative impact on local communities who normally endure the most of the events staged in their backyard. Most studies emphasise the economic benefits including infrastructural developments, employment, integration and environmental upgrading; however, there have been some indications that some members of the community are negatively affected by this mega events. This study is based on the London 2012 summer Olympics Games,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Group Development Essay Example for Free

Group Development Essay The first stage is the forming stage. During this stage, things are characterized by much uncertainty. There is uncertainty as to what the purpose of the group is, what the structure of the group is, and who the leadership of the group is going to be. Members of the group will want to test the waters and try to determine how far they can go and what they can get away with during this stage of the group development process. The second stage is the storming stage. During this stage of group development, the members of the group accept the existence of the group but are against the restraints put on individual creativity. This can lead to serious problems if there is not some sort of compromise or agreement put in place on allowing individuals to be creative within the guidelines of the project. The third stage is the norming stage. During this stage, relationships among team members are becoming closer and group cohesiveness is coming together. The group identity is really becoming clear. This stage is considered complete when the structure of the group is completely solidified and the members of the group have decided on what is considered proper behavior for members of the group. In my opinion, this is one of the most critical stages in group development. The fourth stage is the performing stage. This stage of group development is really when things start to happen. Members of the team have fully accepted the structure and the team is working towards accomplishing the goals that were set forth initially. The group has gone from getting to know each other to complete understanding and working on accomplishing the  task at hand. The fifth and final stage of group development is the adjourning stage. This is only true for groups that are temporary. Permanent work groups are finished after stage four. This stage is normally when the group finalizes and wraps up the tasks that they have been asked to perform and then they go their separate ways. This stage is hopefully where the project is finalized and the group has been successful at accomplishing the goals that were initially set forth. Problem Identification There are two major problems that I see in this situation. The first problem that I see with this group is that there is going to be conflict of interests from each of the different groups. Each of the groups have different agendas as to how to fully accomplish the goals of the project. This can lead to problems or possibly a severe conflict between one or more of the groups. This differing of opinions and attitudes by the groups could also possibly lead to an overall failure to achieve any of the objectives of the group. The second major problem that I see with this project is demographic diversity. There are such wide and varied demographics in the school district that this project is going to take place. There could be conflicts that one demographic is being favored over another. There could also be problems that stem from this. If one demographic seems to think that another is being favored, then they could cause problems for the overall project and the goals of that project. Retrospective Evaluation The solution for the first problem will be the easiest of the two problems. During the formation of the development group for this project, common goals need to be decided upon by the development team. These goals need to be approved by all of the different entities that have an interest in this project succeeding. There should be one major common goal for the project and all of the groups should agree to this goal. If they cannot agree to a common goal, then there really is no need to go forward with the project. The solution for the second problem is going to be a little harder to solve. I believe that a non-interested third party group should be brought in to oversee the project. This will allow for an impartial representative to make decisions and also to ensure that no one demographic group is being favored more than another. If one groups interests are being pushed and another group see this favoritism, it could lead to problems and thus an overall failure of the project. Therefore, a third party should be placed in charge and there should be no conflicts because they should not favor any one particular group. Reflection The project is all about making things better for the kids of this school district. This could lead to better educational opportunities for all involved within the district. However, there are possible issues that need to be solved for this project to move forward and be a success. If these issues are addressed in the beginning then there should be resolutions and no problems should arise. This will allow a successful project and the enhancement of educational opportunities for the children of the school district.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Pestel Framework Essay Example for Free

Pestel Framework Essay The political environment (Refer Section 1 in Appendix 01) does not favour Fonterra’s operating environment with heavy control over milk powder pricing. Political figureheads at times lead the public to perceive that multinational dairies are working towards destroying the local dairy industry. With the ending of a 26-year old war within the country there is stability in the political environment which in normal cases encourages foreign investment. However the government’s policies and tight regulations towards foreign investment and trade, creates an unfavourable environment for operating multinationals like Fonterra. Noted. In the economic front (Refer section 2 in Appendix01), with base commodity prices being reliant on global trends and heavy fluctuations on exchange rates, budgeting for the purchase of full cream and skim milk from New Zealand proves difficult with currency fluctuations most often surpassing budgeted variances. Subsidies by the government to selected local dairy companies also give unfavourable advantage to them over Fonterra. Socially, similar to world trends, the aging population in the country has opened up new opportunity for Fonterra to move in with its Anlene product, coincidentally at a time when mature markets like full cream milk come under heavy smear campaigns with global issues such as the melamine scare in China. Such incidents create negative perception on all powdered milk products that not only impact short term sales figures but also tarnish the brand loyalty Fonterra has established throughout the years (refer section 3 of Appendix01). When we analyse technological trends and their implications on Fonterra (Refer section 4 in Appendix01), many technological improvements ranging from foraging, nutrition, and flavouring to packaging, has influenced Fonterra to create its own biotechnology subsidiary called ViaLactia Biosciences, working on identifying, discovering and commercialising genes that affect pasture grasses, milk production and milk composition. One such discovery was the response to bone decay known as Osteoporosis that most ging populations of the world are facing. By combining bone strengthening nutrients like Calcium, Zinc, Protein and Magnesium, Fonterra was able to create the brand Anlene. Environmental influences on Fonterra’s strategy are discussed in detail in section 5 of Appendix01. Government sponsored environmental schemes both globally and locally such as deployment of Emission Trading Schemes (ETS) and application of Afforestation Grants Scheme (AGS) increases Fonterra operational costs by having to monitor their greenhouse emissions. Fonterra has to include many green initiatives in to their strategy ranging from simple measures such as waste water treatment to more far-reaching methods like emission trading schemes to forestry provisioning. In addition the trend to move towards more renewable energy globally would drive the energy costs higher for Fonterra. On legislative front (Refer section 6 in Appendix01), Fonterra plans and operates under strict legislative framework governed by many authorities both globally and locally as content claims on dairy product are heavily scrutinised. Furthermore, products such as Anchor 1+ that cater to infant nutrition require additional measures due to their sensitive nature throughout their lifecycle from production to transportation. Any mishap on the part of a multinational such as Fonterra can lead to a product recall. Therefore additional operational costs have to be borne in maintaining hygiene in areas such as production, packaging, storage and transportation. Refer Appendix01 for a detailed analysis on current industry trends and implications to Fonterra. An extremely good analysis.

Global Standardisation Or International Adaptation

Global Standardisation Or International Adaptation In the International Marketing field, the debate of standardisation as against adaptation has been significantly researched in the past and is still a highly debatable issue. This debate commenced in 1961 as indicated by Vignali and Vrontis, (1999). Initially this debate mainly focussed on international standardisation with regards to advertising. However, recently, this debate has been extended from just advertising to promotions mix and now to all the seven Ps of the marketing mix (Kanso, A.,, 2004). A brief review of literature also indentifies adaptation and standardisation as the two main tactics by international marketers for business longevity (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009). In the last four decades, according to Ryans (2003), there has been extensive academic research done in the field of international marketing standardisation. However in the past, economic development was concentrated on surplus of exports as compared to imports and hence, firms mainly focused on merely minimising costs to increase their exports. However, in this increasingly competitive and changing international market, firms have realised that cost minimisation is not just enough for gaining a competitive advantage. Nowadays, firms have become more consumers oriented and have developed techniques to satisfy and understand customer preferences and needs. (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009) The objective of this essay is to understand the issue of whether a business should adopt an international marketing mix strategy which is standardized globally or adapted internationally as per individual markets. In the quest to expand their presence worldwide, acquire higher market share, increase profitability and overcome market saturation issues, internationally oriented firms continually seek for new growth opportunities (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009). According to Vrontis (2006) whenever a firm decides to market their products internationally the fundamental decision for marketers is whether to use a global marketing strategy with a standardized marketing mix or whether to adjust and adapt the elements of the marketing mix according to the unique local target market. However, Vrontis (2006) suggests that according to the literature companies make contingency choices, which relate to key determinants in each circumstance (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009, p.3). The primary distinction between global standardisation or global marketing and international adaption in international marketing management is orientation. Standardisation forms the basis of global marketing management which views the world a s a single market where as on the other hand international marketing management is guided by an adapted marketing strategy (Cateora Graham, 1999). The basis of standardization in marketing as argued by Chung, 2007, is the comparison of a firms domestic and international marketing operations. In standardization, firms standardize all their marketing mix components. Chung further suggested that the extent to which the firms should standardize their marketing functions should be assessed. He has also highlighted in his research paper, the interaction method which helps to identify the influencing factors in selecting the standardization strategy (Ryans, J., et al., 2003). Buzzell (1995) have stated that the dissimilarities amongst countries have led international firms to redesign their marketing planning according the country in which it is operating. However, he further said that this situation is changed and he recognized potential gains for firms who adopt standardization of marketing practices. Chung (2007) further argued that culture has a major effect on just the promotional element of the marketing mix. This suggests that firms should use an adapted promotional approach when entering a different cultural environment (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009, p.3) and culture has a very minimal effect on product, price and place. Backhaus and Van, J., (2007) claims that standardisation is a trade off between the possible economic benefits of a standardised approach, as well as the performance gains attained by adapting to the needs of local markets. Marketers who support global standardisation tactics argue that consumers live in a globalized world in which nation-states are not the major determinants of marketing activities; and in which consumer tastes and cultures are homogenised and satisfied through the provision of standardised global products created by global corporations (Vrontis, D., et al, 2009; Dicken, P., 1998). Levitt, 1983 said that multinational firms have moved from customising items to offering globally standardised products which are better, more reliable and lower in price. According to Levitt, multinational firms who concentrate on particular consumer preferences become puzzled and are unable to see the big picture. Levitt strongly recommends that standardisation will bring success in the long term by concentrating on what majority wants (Levitt, T., 1983). The main reasons as suggested by Papavassilou and Stathakopoulos (1997) that add values to Levitts thesis is because it allows international firms to maintain brand identity globally and helps firms to maintain a consistent global image. It also reduces the confusion with regards to perceptions of travelling customers or buyers allowing firms to adopt a single tactical approach and enables them to reduce production costs by taking advantage of economies of scales in production. Levitts, 1983 suggests that standardisation on a tactical level is very important for global markets. He further argues that global firms which operate on standardised functions, at lower cost, can consider the entire world to be a single market and can sell product in the same manner globally. Keegan Green, (2000) supports Levitt by stating that standardised global marketing is similar to mass marketing in one country involving similar marketing mix strategies. This approach of global standardisation of the marketing mix is opposed by the researchers who support international adaptation approach. According to Vrontis et al, 2009, Supporters of adaptation declare that the assumptions underlining global standardisation philosophy are contradicted by the facts. Jain, (1989, p. 71) has stated that, Standardisation is at best difficult and, at worst, impractical (Jain, S., 1989, p. 71). According to Ruigrok and Tulder (1995), Globalisation seems to be as much of an overstatement as it is an ideology. Ruigrok and Tulder (1995) further stated that it is not possible to effectively market by using standardized marketing mix methods everywhere. Helming (1982) and Youovich (1982) challenged the basic assumption of the standardisation approach and argues that similar buying motives of international consumers may, at best, be simplistic and at worst, dangerous(Vrontis, D., et. al, 2009, p.3). Hence, supporters of international adaptation argue that minor or major adaptations in the elements of the marketing mix are vital and necessary in meeting the target market demands. According to them, different international markets are subject to different micro and macro-environmental considerations and hence standardisation of the marketing mix is not feasible. The marketing mix consists of seven components namely product, price, place, people, process, positioning and promotion. Any possibility of a global marketing mix suggests that the same configuration of the seven Ps could be applicable internationally, regardless of cultural and conditional differences. Some businesses do focus on global standardization; however, current data suggests the need for local adaptation. This may be achieved by carefully analyzing the regional market segmentation (Semenik, R.,, 1995). Hassan, Craft and Kortam (2003) has distinguished three important market segmentations namely, those group of countries which have a similar product demand, different countries in different region which already have the same product and Universal segment which are present in most countries. The other drivers considered by multinational companies with respect to segmentation and operating in the international markets can be divided into macro factors such as political, e conomic, technological, geographic, etc. and micro factors which include consumer tastes, preferences, lifestyles, attitudes, etc. Lipman (1988) has supported international adaptation strategy because in his view, the global-marketing theory itself is bankrupt and bunk (Vrontis, D.,, 2009, p.3). The standardization concept which once rushed executives to reconfigure their marketing strategies are now feeling duped. The differences in the customer characteristics, climatic conditions, culture, consumer behaviour and other factors are in the ascendency and having a single global marketing strategy is a vague concept. On the other hand, the huge costs involved in adaptation and the benefits of standardisation, may not allow adaptation to be used extensively (Vrontis, D., 2005). Adaptation and Standardisation are two extreme schools of thought. The view of adopting any one of these two strategies is rejected by researchers, authors and marketers who have found it difficult to apply these strategies in practice. For them, global standardisation and international adaptation is not a proposition, but a matter of degree. Diversity amongst countries does not permit global standardisation. They have stressed on the necessity of simultaneously using both international adaptation and global standardisation wherever necessary. (Sorenson, R.,, 1975; Prahalad, C.,, 1986; Boddewyn, J., et al., 1986; Douglas, S.,, 1987; Kim, W.,, 1987; Choi, K.,, 1996; Terpstra, V.,, 1997; Vanaij, W., 1997; Hennessey, J., 2001; Vrontis, D., 2003; Vrontis, D.,, 2005). The best example of an effective international marketing firm which adopts an integrated approach of standardisation and adaptation is McDonalds. The firm has expanded internationally by branding globally and adapting to the local tastes. (Vignali, C., 2001). Successful multinational firms should incorporate elements of both approaches. Hence, incorporating both concepts means that global firms must try to standardise as many elements of the marketing mix as possible and also follow necessary adaptation in order to satisfy market needs. To conclude, the goals of market complexity and cost reduction may influence firms to consider standardisation where as customer orientation may lead them towards adaptation but by incorporating both will help firms gain a competitive advantage and above average returns. References: Backhaus, K. and Van, J., (2007), Consumer perceptions of advertising standardisation: a cross-country study of different advertising categories, International Management Review, Vol. 3 No. 4, p. 37. Boddewyn, J., Soehl, R., and Picard, J., (1986), Standardisation in international marketing: is Ted Levitt in fact right?, Business Horizons, Vol. 29, pp. 69-75. Buzzell, R., Quelch, J., and Bartlett, C., (1995), Global Marketing Management, Cases and Readings, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley, New York, NY. Choi, K., and Jarboe, T., (1996), Mass customization in power plant design and construction, Power Engineering, Vol. 100, No. 1, pp. 33-6. Chung, H., (2007), International marketing standardisation strategies analysis:a cross-national investigation, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing, Vol. 19 No. 2, pp. 145-67. Dicken, P., (1998), Global Shift, Transforming the World Economy, 3rd ed., Paul Chapman, London. Douglas, S., and Wind, Y., (1987), The myth of globalization, Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 22, pp. 19-29. Hassan, S.S., Craft, S. and Kortam, W. (2003), Understanding the new bases for global market segmentation, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 446-62. 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Vrontis, D., and Papasolomou, I., (2005), The use of entry methods in identifying multinational companies AdaptStand behaviour in foreign markets, Review of Business, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 13-20. Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., and Lamprianou, I., (2009), International marketing adaptation versus standardization of multinational companies, Journal of International Marketing Review, Vol. 20, No. 4/5, pp. 477-500. Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., and Vignali, C., (2006), The country-of-origin effect, on the purchase intention of apparel opportunities and threats for small firms, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 3, Nos 3/4, pp. 459-76. Youovich, B., (1982), Maintain a balance of planning, Advertising Age, n.d., p. M-7.